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Kraus是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全 - 911查询
来自 : danci.911cha.com/kraus.html 发布时间:2021-03-24
Kraus是什么意思 Kraus在线翻译 Kraus什么意思 Kraus的意思 Kraus的翻译 Kraus的解释 Kraus的发音 Kraus的同义词 Kraus的反义词 Kraus的例句 KrausKraus 基本解释




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1. Kraus

1. Kraus (1991) isolated water-soluble polysaccharide from Ginkgo biloba leaves, separated the polysaccharide mixture into a neutral and two acidic polysaccharide fractions, and analyzed their structural features simply.

2. In this, as in all things that Google does, Kraus\'strategy has been to create an alliance of social networks that will use open standards rather than Facebook\'s proprietary network and coding language, so that developers can spread their applications.

3. Kraus什么意思

3. His trouble started with Parkinson\'s disease, but it didn\'t end there. In July 2002, the 60-year-old Kraus went into the hospital for an operation that implanted electrodes in his brain to control the shaking. But during the operation, he had a stroke.

4. British sites with suitable combinations of bittern prey and habitat happen to be mainly Phragmites dominated, but a few nests were found in other vegetation (e. g. Typha, Cladium and Scirpus) and this has been documented elsewhere, particularly in other European countries Gentz, 1965; Gaukler and Kraus, 1965; Bauer and Glutz von Blotzheim, 1966; Bibby
有苦汁牺牲者和栖所的适当的组合的英国站点偶然是被控制的主要芦苇属,即,但是一些巢在其他植被(香蒲、Cladium和地下茎香草)被找到,并且这特别在其他欧洲国家Gentz在别处被提供了,1965年; gaukler和Kraus 1965年; Bauer和Glutz冯Blotzheim 1966年; Bibby

5. Kraus是什么意思

5. Hong Kong (14 June 2005)– Christian Murck, former chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce in China and co-managing director of APCO China for four years, was named chief executive officer of APCO Asia, Margery Kraus, chief executive officer of APCO Worldwide, announced today.

6. Eat more: Drizzle your salad with olive oil and you\'ll increase the antioxidant power of your veggies, a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition notes. Or toss pasta with a few teaspoons of olive oil, fresh basil and saut ed garlic, Kraus suggests.

7. Chris Kraus is an expert testing and architecture strategist with a 17-year background in computer software development, product management, and sales support for enterprise software.

8. Kraus的反义词

8. Jeanne Kraus and her illustrator sister, Diana Arneson may have turned that around.

9. At a meeting of project managers, saying Susan, the Kraus project needs some attentiondo you think you could fit it into your schedule within the next two days?

10. Mr Kraus and Mr Montag will be executive vice-presidents but will report directly to Mr Thain and are being paid on the level of Wall Street presidents.

11. My language is a universal whore whom I have to make into a virgin.? Karl Kraus.

12. In the spring of 2008, Merrill announced that Tom Montag and Peter Kraus would join from Goldman Sachs.

13. Joe Kraus says, Persistence is the number one reason for our success.

14. Thomas Kretschmann was the first choice as the voice of Johann Kraus, but Guillermo del Toro was not satisfied with the result, and subsequently brought in Seth MacFarlane.

15. One kind of mathematical descriptions is Kraus operator-sum representation (OSR).


16. That evening, he and his two top Goldman hires Montag and Kraus met John Mack to discuss a deal with Morgan Stanley.

17. Kraus

17. Kraus, who left Cornell last summer to join the UT Southwestern faculty.

18. Short sisal fiber/NR interfacial adhesion was evaluated by three different methods through swelling characteristics, e. g, by swelling properties of the vulcanizates after elongation, Lorenz-Parks Equation and by Kraus Formula.

19. Then, the author introduces related background of quantum mechanics and control theory, and gives the theoretical formulations of the Kraus represent and the Markovian master equation.

20. Kraus

20. Utilizing Kraus operator to analysis the transformation of density matrix of particles of ruby laser

Kraus 单语例句

1. Takizawa edged out Tomas Kraus of the Czech Republic to pick up his first ski cross World Cup title of the year.

2. Professor Kraus thinks it would be a very good thing if young people around the world could take music lessons in school.

3. Professor Kraus began by gently placing electrodes onto the heads of the volunteers.

4. According to Nina Kraus, that matters a lot as we get older.

5. According to Kraus, attitudes about competition are shaped by the industry a company is in.

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本文链接: http://kraus.immuno-online.com/view-704196.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)
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